The Crawfords
We are Dalton and Amileah Crawford.
Ami's maiden name is DeMille, as she is the oldest child of Alma & Heather DeMille, the founders of DeMille Blue Bloods!
Ami was still a minor in their home when the Great Weimar breed & DeMille Blue Bloods was founded and she really took to the breed personally. After flying the nest, Ami got her bachelors in equine science and animal husbandry. She then spent 18 months living in Sweden as a missionary, after which she got her Masters Degree in business. Once she finished her schooling, Ami rejoined the family business and has been very actively involved in DeMille Blue Bloods ever since -
In fact, we took over the program entirely in 2020, when my parents wanted to retire.
Dalton is a law enforcement officer who was raised on a dude ranch and hunting outfitting operation. He also has a love for animals and a big work ethic.
We met and married in 2017 and now live on a beautiful 13 acre ranch in Colorado with our three young children and our amazing, beautiful Great Weimars!
When you adopt your next pet from DeMille Blue Bloods, you can rest assured that your pet has been bred and raised by someone with experience; thoughtfully and with purpose - taking temperament, health, conformation, genetics & talent into consideration.
The Great Weimar
The Great Dane has been bred to be a true family companion and has an excellent mellow temperament, but they are HUGE and as such they can eat a lot, run into health problems, and have short life spans.
The Weimaraner has been bred to hunt, and as such they can tend to be a bit more energetic, and have a stronger prey drive, than is ideal for the average family.
Thus, we cross the gentle Great Dane with the robust Weimaraner and you have The Great Weimar. Longer lived than the Great Dane and calmer than the Weimaraner, he is the ultimate family dog. He retains the extreme loyalty, devotion and train-ability of both breeds in addition to a stunning combination of their regal, aristocratic appearances - a true work of art! The Great Weimar is a sleek, athletic companion who desires to be near his people. He is a fabulous hiking, jogging, skijoring, & running companion who can settle right down and be mellow in the home. He is strong and muscular and is an astute watchdog and guardian.
We have researched the genetics of both breeds and have carefully chosen our breeding dogs in order to produce stunning examples of the Great Weimar. Our dogs will have great conformation, be well balanced and athletic, have solid, even temperaments, beautiful clear eyes, well laid ears, and gorgeous blue, black, silver & chocolate coats!
We are telling you, these pups are GORGEOUS!
We are SO EXCITED about Great Weimars that we want to shout it out from the roof tops for all to hear!